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Hope Street Espresso - WHOLESALE BAGS

Hope Street Espresso - WHOLESALE BAGS

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Our original espresso derives its name from the street where our first ever coffee shop is located - meet Hope Street Espresso.

When enjoying a cup of Hope Street Espresso coffee, you can expect a cup full of dark berries and salted caramel notes, underpinned by a rich dark chocolate foundation. Bright and lively on its own, moreish with milk.


Hope Street Espresso is our oldest signature blend. Since day one, it has provided the espresso base for all of our drinks and has been widely accepted by customers near and far as a staple blend for both espresso and filter-based drinks.

The blend itself is created to match a set flavour profile that we have chosen for Hope Street Espresso. The ingredients that go into it change as crops of coffee come and go, but for consistency we are always aiming for a well-balanced coffee with strong notes of chocolate that come through larger milk-based drinks, and a delicate brightness and sweetness to finish. The coffee is pre-blended and roasted slightly darker than any of our other caffeinated coffees to enforce the balance of sweetness, acidity and bitterness that is required for an espresso.

Blend: Colombia/Guatemala

Processes: Washed

Tasting notes: Salted Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Blueberry

Recommended Brew: Espresso

Producers: Farm Smallholders from Popayan

Reserve, Fedecocagua

Altitude: 1400-2070mas|

Varieties: Castillo, Variedad, Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, San Ramon

Process: Washed

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